Monday 4 September 2023

3-Phase Electric AC Motor : Mounting

Mounting is 1 of the important information what to know when ordering a motor. There are many types of mounting such as B3, B6, B7, B8, V5, V6, B5, V1, V3, B14, V18, V19, B36, V15, B65, B75, B34, V17, V37, B64, B74, so many to know.

Nowadays many electric motors design their bearing able to handle all kind mounting positions. Therefore 5 important mounting only need to know. Here are the 5 mountings B3, B5, B14, B35, B34.

B3 – is a foot mount motor.
B5 – the motor is mounted using the holes in the flange / no feet
B14 – the motor is mounted by the bolt threads in the flange / no feet
B35 – the motor mounts by the holes in the flange and/or the feet
B34 – the motor mounts by the bolt thread in the flange and / or the feet

Remember always telling the supplier what kind of mounting you required because motor nameplate seldom show motor mounting information.

Where to buy / supplier at Penang Malaysia
Google Map - click here

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